Packaging for cosmetic creams and
semi-solid household products
The jar and its various designs
Contract manufacturer Schild Labs designs jars to customer specifications and fills them with the customer’s product. The typical jar is cylindrical and has a screw lid. It is used as a sturdy container for cosmetics and household products. The screw lid allows the jar to be securely resealed after removing the desired amount of its contents. It is suitable for both solid and pasty materials. The contents of the jar can thus to be kept and used over a long period of time, depending on its shelf life. There are many different types of jar in different sizes and materials. They can be made of glass, plastic or aluminium, and their design ranges from practical through to elegant and stylish. Jars also come in a wide range of wall thicknesses, from thin walls to double-walled designs. Similarly, the range extends from simple, functional models to elaborate versions. We work with expert manufacturers to offer contract filling in jars that live up to our customers’ expectations.

Advantages and disadvantages of the jar

Jars are low-walled containers made of glass, plastic, aluminium or tin. They meet hygienic requirements for packaging of creams and pastes. For manufacturers of cosmetics or household products, they are ideal lightweight and sturdy containers. Choosing the right jar for the product significantly enhances the overall appearance. A well designed jar can also be decorative. Contract filling enables manufacturers to have their product filled into suitable containers.
For the end customer, cosmetic jars offer the advantage that the cream is easy to remove with a finger, spatula brush or cotton pad, and nothing is wasted. Small jars are convenient to carry in a handbag when you’re out and about. However, it’s almost impossible to stop germs getting into the jar when it is opened for use. For this reason, preservatives must be added to the product. The jar is not suitable for volatile components, and products that contain water can dry out.
Typical types of jar in contract filling

If you want to bring your products to market safely and attractively, you need the right packaging. We offer contract filling of products in the cosmetics and household sectors. As a contract manufacturer, we also take care of professional packaging of the jars for shipping. We fill jars with all kinds of creams, including face creams, skin creams and body creams. Care products such as hair treatments, lip balm, hand ointments and shaving soaps can also be filled into jars with a screw lid. Natural cosmetics are an important trend in the field of beauty care. Products such as coconut oil, tea tree oil and body butter can also be packaged in this type of container. The packaging is of particular importance when it comes to marketing a product. Decorative packaging plays an important role, especially for beauty products. The choice of jar, for example made of glass and with a high-quality design, adds value to the product. The packaging also offers the advantage of brand-specific designs with labels or printing. We also fill jars with numerous household products. Especially for cleaning products, the tin with screw lid is a very practical choice of packaging. Typical products are cleaning pastes, both special-purpose and universal. A sponge can also be included in the jar. Oven cleaners and cleaners for ceramic hobs, grills and stove windows are also available in jars. The cleaning ingredients are well preserved inside the container. Our jars are also ideal for care products such as polish, wax, leather care, enamel care or shoe polish.
Sizes, materials and uses of the jar
Die Lohnabfüllung von Tiegeln bietet umfangreiche Möglichkeiten für einzelne Produkte. Es besteht eine große Auswahl an Füllgrößen. Vor allem für Kosmetik und Creme bietet sich eine große Bandbreite, die dem der Vielfalt in diesem Segment Rechnung trägt. So sind Tiegel bereits ab einem Volumen von 2 ml erhältlich. Größen sind 20 ml, 30 ml, 40 ml, 50 ml und 55 ml. Zu den beliebten Größen bei Creme zählen 50-ml- Tiegel. Aber auch Ausführungen in 100 ml und 200 ml Größe sind lieferbar. Für Produkte aus dem Reinigungssegment eignen sich größere Volumina meist besser. So reichen Tiegel mit Größen bis zu 1000 ml oder gar 2000 ml. Diese Verpackungen erreichen schnell Größen von 400 g oder gar 1 kg. Bei Material unterscheiden sich grundsätzlich Modelle aus Glas, Metall oder Kunststoff. Bei Kosmetik erweisen die Behältnisse aus Glas als besonders geeignet. Der Inhalt ist sichtbar und das Gefäß macht einen hochwertigen Eindruck. Aber auch Kunststofftiegel eignen sich optimal für Pflegeprodukte, sie sind leicht, bruchfest und ermöglichen so die sichere Aufbewahrung. Bei bestimmten Produkten wie Lippenbalsam eignen sich auch Aluminiumtiegel. Sie lassen sich hermetisch versiegeln.
Contract filling of jars offers an extensive choice for individual products. We have a wide range of sizes, especially for cosmetics and creams, which reflects the diversity in this sector. For example, jars as small as 2 ml are available. Standard sizes are 20 ml, 30 ml, 40 ml, 50 ml and 55 ml, with the 50 ml jar being a popular size for creams. However, 100 ml and 200 ml sizes are also available. For cleaning products, larger sizes are usually more suitable, up to 1000 ml or even 2000 ml.
These jars can easily reach 400 g or even 1 kg. There is essentially a choice of glass, metal or plastic. Glass jars are particularly suitable for cosmetics, as the contents are visible and the jar itself adds to the quality appearance of the product. However, plastic jars are also ideal for care products, being both lightweight and shatterproof. Aluminium jars are also suitable for certain products such as lip balm. They can be hermetically sealed.

How can we help you?
Do you have a question about our product range? Or perhaps you're looking for a special formulation for your cosmetics, household chemicals or food supplements. As experts in contract filling, we will develop a customised solution to suit you and your company. Please send us your enquiry online using our convenient contact form, or phone us on +49 (0) 421-408845-0.
How can we help you?
Do you have a question about our product range? Or perhaps you're looking for a special formulation for your cosmetics, household chemicals or food supplements. As experts in contract filling, we will develop a customised solution to suit you and your company. Please send us your enquiry online using our convenient contact form.